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I was worried that Tootsie's iron levels could be low since she isn't getting any iron in her multivitamins and she doesn't eat much red meat (and drinks a lot of milk) - so we made an appointment with the pediatrician. Dr. Z agreed that we should test - just to be sure. Tootsie wasn't having any major symptoms that would point to a deficiency...just cracked corners of her mouth and sometimes dark circles under her eyes (which could be from any number of things).
Here is a photo of little Toots being a very brave girl. You can't see the bear in the upper left corner very well, but that was her surprise for being such a great patient. She handles these tests like a champ - never a tear or a complaint!
The lab work was taken yesterday and I just received a call from the nurse stating her iron levels are normal! Yay! I guess she is getting enough in her bread, eggs, cereal, etc.... I looked at the box of Rice Krispies this morning and it has 50% of the daily requirement. I also found that 1 egg has 10% of the DR for children ages 4-8. You can find the nutritional data of an egg HERE. And dietary sources of iron and daily needs HERE.
Here is a photo of little Toots being a very brave girl. You can't see the bear in the upper left corner very well, but that was her surprise for being such a great patient. She handles these tests like a champ - never a tear or a complaint!
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